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  • ruthmonsell


Here we go at last. Two very successful presentations under my belt, one to teen students and one to adults and I'm about out of books, and thrilled to report on what's ahead in Maine:

June 4, 6:30 - CAMDEN Public Library presentation with slide show, reading, Q & A, signing

June 14 - Book Launch Party, evening (FLAG DAY!) at this gorgeous, historic restored barn at the homestead and Frances Perkins Center. The party will be by invitation and RSVP since seating and parking is limited, and so we know how much champagne to buy and yummies to cater for. Give me or the FPC a heads up if you're passionately hoping for an invitation.

Saturday June 15 - 1 - 3 PM Book signing at Sherman's Books, Main St., Damariscotta

(No space limitations here or signup. Hoping to see lots of friends and new friends. Start thinking who you'd like to gift an autographed copy to in addition to yourself.

July 18, Boothbay Harbor Rotary Club, 6:00 refreshments, 7:00 presentation, public welcome

August 1, Skidompha Public Library, Porter Meeting Hall, 10 AM as part of their popular "Chats with Champions" program. Note: the champion in this case is definitely Frances Perkins!

To be scheduled: Book Signing at Sherman's, Rockland

Eager to add more, as I'm always honored to be able to tell the Frances Perkins story, to groups of all sizes from small book groups to classrooms, auditoriums, and community civic and other organizations. Let me hear from you any time.

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